Book Promotion and Marketing
Books and Reading
A Love for Books: The Kind of Love That Can Never Die
How I Got Over My Fear of Reading the Next Books in a Series
Young Adult Books: Not Just …. For Young Adults
Witches in Fiction: The Good and the Bad
More Than a Dream: Books Inspired by Dreams
Books that share true stories of the Fight Against Breast Cancer can Inspire and Educate Readers
How Travel Books Can Bring the Rest of the World to You
How Short Story Collections Offer Bite-Size Entertainment for Readers
"How Learning about Other Peoples' Lives through biographies can enrich our own life"
"Women In Horror Month May Be Gone But Women Authors are Still Writing Horror"
"Books that Celebrate Man & Woman's Best Friend""Translated Poetry Books offers a multicultural and inspirational reading experience"
In Celebration of Short Poetry Books
"What Dangers Lurk Within the Woods? Read These Five Books to Find Out!"
Books by and for the LGBTQ Community
Show the Gay Horror Subgenre Some Love With This Book Published By Unveiling Nightmares
Readers Share About Books That Changed Their Lives
Nine Novellas for Summer suspense
10 Short Horror Books Every Horror Fan Should Read
Terrifying Tales to Keep You Awake at Night
Six Haunted House Novels Perfect for the Halloween Season
Charity Anthologies Benefit Readers
Boldly Go Where No Woman Has Gone Before: Women Writing Science Fiction Novels
Valuable Reading by Black Authors
The Real Elizabeth Bathory vs. the Fictional Elizabeth Bathory in Curse of the Blood Witch
Deaf/HOH and Disability
"Yes, There Really Are Free Online Courses," is published in the Spring, 2004 issue of SUCCEED Magazine.
"The Healing Power of Poetry" published in The Desert Woman Magazine (Palm Springs, CA), October, 1993
Life as a Deaf Mother
Deaf Parenting: The Silent Bond
Never Say Never to Your Dreams!Does Getting Sober Mean Losing Friends? Not the Real Ones
Can a deaf writer write about being deaf?
Making It Work: Keeping a Happy Home With Adult Children
Do My Kids Wish Their Deaf Parents Could Hear?
Intersect: The Rising Classist Demands Keeping Writers from Getting Published
Learning to Love My Burned and Broken Body
"As Scary as Mental Illness is, Writers Can’t Use it to Scare" published at Stay Curious
“How I Keep My Love of Music Alive as a Deaf Person” published at Open Secrets
Ghosts, Hauntings and the Paranormal
Interview, "Ghostbusters: Fact and Fiction," in the August 2004 newsletter of The Shadowlands.
"Smelling a Ghost: Olfactory Hauntings," published in the September, 2004 newsletter of The Shadowlands.
"Ghost Sightings at Hospitals," published in the October, 2004 newsletter of The Shadowlands.
"The Amityville Horror: Truth and Consequence," published in the November, 2004 newsletter of The Shadowlands.
Haunted Houses: Living With the Fear and Trauma of Residing in a Haunted House
Haunted Houses: Who You Gonna Call? How to Find a Group That's Right For You
Haunted Houses: Finding Proof Your Home is Haunted
"Haunted Houses: Can Stories Change the Skeptic?" published in the December, 2004 newsletter of The Shadowlands.
"Haunted Houses: Why are Houses Haunted?" published in the February, 2005 Shadowlands newsletter.
"Haunted Houses: How to Investigate Your House’s History," published in the February, 2006 Shadowlands newsletter.
"Cemetery Ghosts," published in the February, 2009 issue of the Shadowlands newsletter.
"Setting Up Shop: Creating Your Own Paranormal Site," published in the May, 2009 issue of the Shadowlands newsletter.
Ghost Dreams: The Good and Bad of Ghostly Visitations in Our Sleep
Seeing Ghostly Eyes: What Does it Mean?
The Out-of-Body Experience
Talking with your Child about Ghosts: Do's and Don'ts -
Interview with Self-Publisher Jaclyn White
Interview with Matthew Lucchetti, Author and Entrepreneur
Interview with Anna Ziegelhof
Self-Publisher Interview with Kimberley Paterson
Author Interview with Robert P. Ottone
Playwright Interview with Nettie Reynolds
Self-Publisher Interview with Paul Millerd
Author Interview with William Meikle
Interview with Writer Shanta Everington
Self-Publisher Interview with Allison Miller
Author Interview with Joy V. Smith
Writer Interview with Chidinma Iwu
Self-Publisher Interview with Sara Tyler
Interview with C. Hope Clark
Interview with Doug Hawley
Self-Publisher Interview with Karina FabianAuthor Interview with Tory Richards
Writer Interview with Holley Cornetto
Editor Interview with Cassandra Harris
Interview with Self-Publisher Karen Putz
Author Interview with John PaulitsWriter Interview with Bob Rich
Self-Publisher Interview with J Dalton
Author Interview with Sharon Wagner
Interview with Writer C.H. Lindsay
Self-Publisher Interview with Erle Clavet
Interview with Author Elana McDougall
Interview with Writer Emma McKenzie
Self-Publisher Interview with Tracey Nudd
Author Interview with Steven Farkas
Interview with Writer Erle Clavet
Self-Publisher Interview with Chisto Healy
Author Interview with Martin Eastland
Interview with Poet Carol Edwards
Interview with PsychoToxin Press Anthology Editor Jennifer Horgan
Self-Publisher Interview with Kristen Vincent
Author Interview with Dan Shrader
Interview with Writer Laura Grevel
Interview with PsychoToxin Press Flash Editor D.L. Winchester
Self-Publisher Interview with Thandiwe Nqanda
Author Interview with Mark Towse
Interview with Writer Ray Daley
Interview with PsychoToxin Press Magazine Managing Editor Nora B. Peevy
Interview with Cassandra Daucus
Self-Publisher Interview with Lauren Carter
Author Interview with Carietta Dorsch
Interview with Poet Jeffrey Oliver
Interview with Cemetery Dance Publications Editor Lisa Lebel
Interview with Self-Publisher Cat Voleur
Author Interview with Nora B. Peevy
Interview with Writer J. Rocky Colavito
Interview with Unveiling Nightmares Editor Chisto Healy
Self-Publisher Interview with J. Rocky Colavito
Author Interview with YM Miller
Interview with Writer Michael Errol Swaim
Interview with Loving Healing Press Editor Dr. Bob RichInterview with Dan Shrader and Chisto Healy
Author Elijah Frost and His Jester Character, Sheut-Ren-KaInterview with Crystal Baynam, Co-Author of Toxic Maternal: The Beginning
Interview with Debut Novelist Destiny Pifer, Author of The House That Echoed Madness
Interview with Dev Solovey, Author of Fever Dreams
Interview with William Becker, Author of When Bad Dogs Do Good Things
Interview with Self-Publisher Eve L. Fell
Interview with Author Brian J. Smith
Interview with Writer Lindsey Goddard
Interview with Superior Book Productions Editor Tyler Tichelaar
Interview with Self-Publisher Josh Cuny
Interview with Author Eric Otero
"World of Creativity" published in HiP Magazine (New Haven, CT), July, 1991
“Standing By” published in the October 20, 1993 issue of The Chaparral newspaper (College of the Desert, Palm Desert, California)
"Her" published in March/April 2004 issue of Skyline Literary Magazine.“Alone in the Rain” published in the EOTU Ezine, April 2004
"A Love Like Yours" published in Skyline Literary Magazine's Valentine's Day issue, 2005
“Two Poets” published at Cold Glass
"Visions of You" published in the anthology Tales of the Supernatural.
“I Might Have Thrown Poor Words Away” published in AIA
They Were Our Neighbors
A Private Place to Read“I Always Thought I’d See You Again”
“Apple Mess” (page 94) and “A Shower of Leaves” (page 99)
“Sorry for Being Real” published in the anthology, Unspoken: An Anthology of Poetry
"Trees" published in Volume 23, Issue 11 of Dr. Bob Rich's newsletter, Bobbing Around
"Grateful for Today" published in Written Tales
“Earth’s Cry” published in Volume 24, Number 1 of Dr. Bob Rich's newsletter, Bobbing Around
Short Fiction
"Thankful" published in the September-November 2006 issue of Skyline Magazine
"Friends to the End" published in the Summer 2009 issue of Tales of the Talisman Magazine"A Phone Call Away" published in the anthology Inner Fears edited by William Wolford
"Operation Rescue Toys" published in the anthology Yarns for Our Youth edited by Chris Bartholomew
"The Old Coats House" published in the anthology Ghosts and Demons edited by Chris Bartholomew
"Cause of Death" published in the anthology Something Dark in the Doorway edited by Gregory Miller
"The Magical Basket" published in the anthology Faeries edited by Chris Bartholomew
"The Writing on the Walls" published in the anthology Dark and Evil edited by Brian Woods
"Looking for You" published in the anthology Madness of the Mind edited by Chris Bartholomew
"The Paradise Pill" published in Issue #5 of Horror Bites Magazine“Pizza” at 50 Give or Take Story (Vine Leaves Press)
“The Idea” on Friday Flash Fiction
“Digital Copy” in The Book of Drabbles
“Reboot” in Invasion, Volume 2
“Ding Dong Death” in Halloweenthology: Jack-o-Lantern
“Blood Moon” in Sirens Call Magazine Halloween Issue
“Extra Baggage” in Monstrous Femme Magazine
“Boycotting Halloween” published in the collection of Halloween drabbles at Androids and Dragons
“Burnt Things” —Second Place Winner in the Starry Eyed Press Drabbles Contest
“Storyteller” in the Autumn 2023 issue of OpenDoor Magazine
“The Cursed Book” (drabble) published at Trembling With Fear
“All the Little Hairs” published at BarBar
“A Ghostly Christmas” published in the anthology, Particular Passages: Decked Halls
Eye Tales Xmas #6: Season’s Greetings
"The Sacrifice" published in Issue #120 November 2023 of The World of Myth Magazine, on page 9
“Pleasure in Pain” published in the December 2023 issue of Monstrous Femme Magazine
“Forever Mine” published in the anthology, Soulmate Syndrome: Certain Dark Things
“The Neverending Nightmare” published in the summer 2024 issue of The Sirens Call
"Child Less" published in the April 2024 issue of Monstrous Femme
"The Dream Set" published in Issue 65 of The Sirens Call
"The Ghost Whisperer" published in the anthology, Dead Girls Walking: The Purple Volume
"A Different Kind of Hell" published in the anthology, Children of the Dead: Shadow Playground
“The Bees They Made” published in Issue One of Fearless Magazine
“Salvaged Video” published in the anthology Howlin' For You: A Werewolf Charity Anthology
"The Thin Veil" published in the anthology Flash of the Dead (Halloween 24)
"A Thousand Words" published in the anthology A Little Fantasy Everywhere
"A Hearty Feast" published in the anthology The Alien Buddha’s House of Horrors #7
"Season's Greetings" published in the anthology Last Christmas
"A Fresh Start" published in the anthology Weatherly Lane
SIGNews Articles
"Parents of deaf children express fears, concerns," in the November, 2004 issue of SIGNews.
"How far to go to hear my child?," in the October, 2005 issue of SIGNews.
"Hands & Voices provides support system for parents," in the February, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Teacher becomes South Africa's first deaf Deputy Principal," in the March, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Gallaudet University offers hearing loss mentor training," in the April, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Hearing Co-Defendant Signs for Deaf Man in Court," in the September, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Group Trying To Save Central African School," in the September, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Joleen Lambert Skinner, A Deaf Horse Whisperer," in the October, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Hard-of-Hearing Man Fulfills Dream of Being a Cop," in the November, 2006 issue of SIGNews.
"Quilt Show at NTID Reunites Quilting Instructor with Student," in the January, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
"NTID Releases Speechreading Test on DVD," in the January, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
“Financial Problems Force Closure of the Northwest Deaf Addiction Center," in the February, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
“Aspen Camp Hosts Deaf Women Snowshoe Retreat,” in the March, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
“Deaf Art on Exhibit at Washington, D.C. Business,” in the April, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
“eBay Sued for Discrimination Against Deaf Sellers,” in the June, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
"Deaf Wailuku Teen Wins the Crown for Miss Hawaii's Most Outstanding Teen," in the August, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
"DeafNation World Expo Puts New Experiences and Ideas for the Deaf from All Over the World Under One Roof," in the September, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
"Signing Glove Helps Tear Down Communication Barriers Between Deaf and Hearing,” in the October, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
“Say Hey! The VRS Company That Puts Customers First,” in the December, 2010 issue of SIGNews.
"Paying it Forward: Growing up with Deaf Parents Transforms Son into a Leader," in the February, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Austin Community College Selected as the Home of Gallaudet University Regional Center-Southwest," in the March, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Hard of Hearing Woman Loses Right to Wear Hearing Aid at Work," in the May, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Purple VRS Announces One Number for All," in the June, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Wells Fargo Investigated by the Department of Justice after Complaints from Deaf Customers," in the August 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Deaf Women Honored in 'The Pearls' Award Ceremony," in the September 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"NYPD Ban on Hearing Aids Forces Cops into Early Retirement" and "ASL in Schools: How CODAs Make Sign Language a Part of Their Hearing World," in October 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"The End of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf?," in the November, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Deaf Fest Promotes Deaf Awareness in Arizona," in the November, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"The Silent Network: Back in Action Thanks to New Technology," in the December, 2011 issue of SIGNews.
"Yehs Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison for Defrauding the FCC," in the January, 2012 issue of SIGNews.
"Retired Teacher Looking for Home for "One Stop Deaf Shop"," in the February, 2012 issue of SIGNews.
"HB 1367: Helpful or Hurtful to Deaf Education in Indiana?," in the March, 2012 issue of SIGNews.
"How Nitro the Deaf Wonder Dog Helped Owner Create Deaf Dogs Rock," in the March, 2012 issue of SIGNews.
"Indiana Senate Passes Controversial Bill HB 1367, 40-8," in the April 2012 issue of SIGNews.
"The "I Can Sign" Dolls: Bridging Communication Gaps One Doll at a Time," in the April 2012 issue of SIGNews. -
The Desert Sun Articles
Description goes here -
"Ask and Ye Shall Write," published in the October 1, 2003 issue of The Writer Within under my pen name Dana Mitchells.
"The Conflict Killer: Taking the Easy Way Out," published in the July 1, 2003 issue of Writing, Etc.
"Just Write," published in the July 22, 2003 newsletter for Writer2Writer.
Whose Rhyme is it Anyway?
Deaf Writer At Work
Make More Money Writing About Yourself
Want The Best From A Writer? Pay Them!
Ebooks: The QUICK Way to Write a Book!
Writers! Do Not Fear the First Draft!
What to Do When You Can't Write
How to Freewrite Your Way Out of Writer's BlockTop 6 Free Content Writing Courses
12 Paying SPOOKY Markets for Writers!
Keep Writing, Keep Submitting and Keep Earning!
How to Research Your Idea BEFORE You Pitch It
10 Paying Health and Wellness Markets for Writers
A Laptop is a Writer’s Best Friend
How to Keep Writing a Story When You Don’t Know What Happens Next
Diversify Your Writing Skills to Earn More
The First Draft: Love It or Hate It? Just Write It!
3 Ways to Deal When Ghosted by a Freelance Client
How Freelance Writers Can Survive the Slow Summer Months
Can You Tell a Story in 100 Words? Submit it to These Six Paying Markets!
Best Practices for Reading Submission Guidelines
“Turning Real Life Horror into Horror Fiction” in Monstrous Femme Magazine
"How a Halloween Decoration Inspired a Haunted House Story"
“Stop Me If You’ve Heard This Before” plus paying humor markets for writers
"Five Paying Markets for Writers that Celebrate the Number Three"
Literary Magazines are Not the Barrier to Publication Many Writers Think
Email Newsletter vs. a Blog. Which Sells More Books?
As Scary as Mental Illness is, Writers Can’t Use it to Scare
“8 Paying Literary Magazines for Writers (And One That Pays $3,000)! – by Dawn Colclasure”