Interview with Writer Erle Clavet
1. Have you always been a writer?
I’ve been a writer since 2006 when I took a writing course in high school.
2. When did you realize that maybe writing was actually a “thing” you could do, get published and even sell?
After I did the writing course in high school, I fell in love with it. I always had a good imagination but never thought I would be a writer. I was hooked! One thing led to another and I took the journey of self-publishing instead of waiting around for a traditional publisher to want my books. I have three books published with more to come!
3. What was your first sale as a writer and how did it feel to sell your work?
Through Amazon was my first sale. I can’t remember if it was and e-book or paperback. Regardless, it was great that my work, all the long hours of writing and editing, was purchased and going to be enjoyed by someone.
4. How has writing helped you in other areas of life besides being something you could earn money from?
I have found that I have grown as a person because of my writing. It has also been a great way for me to relax and have that escape for the world that we all need. Plus I’ve learnt and done things I never thought I would ever do, it has been a good journey.
5. What was your biggest accomplishment as a writer?
The main one is actually writing a book(s), that’s a huge deal! I never thought I would do that. Neither did I think I would build my own website, learn how to do all the process for publishing. I had to learn how to get e-books, paperback and hardcover, as well as cover art all loaded to Amazon. I even taught myself how to do my own cover art now. So learning, and doing all that I have, are my biggest accomplishments.
6. Who has inspired you the most in the writing field?
Brandon Mull, Christopher Paolini, Rick Riordan and Terry Brooks.
7. What are some of the challenges you have faced as a writer and how did you overcome them?
There is always self-doubt - Will I be able to write the book/get the word count I want, can I sell anything, and am I any good at being a writer? I do my best to take everything one step at a time and not let doubts take over because I love what I am doing and couldn’t imagine not writing – it is a big part of who I am. Getting good reviews on Amazon has also helped to further boost my confidence, especially when someone compares your writing to a famous author! The other major things would be not having experience in publishing, marketing or building my own website. Being willing to learn, and make mistakes has been how I have overcome those.
8. What is the best writing advice you have ever received and why do you feel it is important?
I have two things. The first is - If you think your writing isn’t good then it won’t be. If you think it is then that will show in your work. Believing in yourself is the most important thing! The other one is - Just write, it doesn’t have to be good/your best work. This is important because you never know where something you write down will lead to.
9. What sort of writing do you do now?
My writing has always been in the genera of fantasy, both short stories and full length novels.
10. Where can we find some of your work online?
You can find my self-published books on Amazon by searching my name, along with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X). Also my website has my short stories on it. I have all my social medias linked for easy access.
11. What advice do you have for aspiring writers thinking of taking the leap of getting their work published?
If you are thinking about it then go for it, be that traditional or self-publishing. Learn from others around you as much as possible; in-person or online/social media, connect with other writers. Listen, observe, be willing to learn and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Through that you will grow and you never know what could happen next.
12. What are your final thoughts about being a writer?
Like I mentioned, my writing is a way for me to grow and is one of the way that I have that much needed time to myself. It has been a major learning experience that I’m extremely proud of, especially when I finish another book and have it available for sale. I would love to become a famous author, if that doesn’t happen though, I will still always love writing.
Elves, Dragons, Fantasy and magic; I have always loved them. I fell in love with reading when I was young. I have always had a very active imagination and in my last year of high school I ended up falling in love with a creative writing course. English was always one of my favorite classes and after the creative writing course and writing my first book I could not stop my mind from thinking of story ideas. Now I have a pile of short stories and several other book ideas on the go. My debut novel, Federation: Elven Resistance, is on Amazon, with book two getting written and a third planned. The Battle For Grenwin and Telara join "Federation: Elven Resistance" on Amazon and soon will have two more books in the Grenwin series accompanying them.
Visit Erle’s website here